M4 Life
M4s Emily and Ryan learn from Dr. Gluth in a temporal bone course in our new otology lab!
M4 Life
Max admires the temporal bone in the otology lab!
M4 Life
Jesse practices laryngoscopy on Max!
M4 Life
Max practices laryngoscopy on Jesse!
M4 Life
Mastoidectomy Dissection viewing with Jesse and Max!
M4 Life
Mastoidectomy dissection with Max!
Friendly and Welcoming Culture
Dr. Baroody and residents, Laura and Adam, taking a well-deserved break!
UChicago OHNS
Our amazing department!
M1 and M3 Life
M1 Ashley Diaz and M3 Shira Fishbach spending some quality time in the OR watching an endoscopic sinus surgery!
M1 and M3 Life
M3 Aaditi Naik and M1 Murrie Affini are all smiles in the DCAM ENT clinic!
M4 Life
Newly-minted M4 Richard learning emergency airway training!
Post-Grad Life
New PGY-1 Max is back with familiar faces! #5MoreYears #mENT2Be